The InvoTech Uniform System manages the entire uniform inventory and the lifecycle of each individual garment from purchasing through daily use to final discard. The RFID technology works by electronically reading RFID tags attached to the uniforms, allowing them to be automatically identified, counted and tracked. The system also records who is responsible for each uniform, monitors inventory levels, and keeps the current location of each garment.
The InvoTech Linen System manages the entire linen inventory and the lifecycle of each individual linen item from purchasing through daily use to final discard. The RFID technology works by electronically reading RFID tags attached to the linens, allowing them to be automatically identified, counted and tracked. The system also monitors linen storeroom inventory levels, and has extensive reporting capabilities with real-time information.
The InvoTech Laundry System automatically tracks and manages laundry activity for customer-owned and rental uniforms and linens. The RFID technology works by electronically reading RFID tags attached to the uniforms and linens, allowing them to be automatically identified, counted and tracked. The system also facilitates sorting and validates pick-ups and deliveries at customer locations.